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      Home > After-sale Service > Detection

      Operating standard

      < Building fire control facilities testspecification>  GA503-2004

      < code for fire protection design of buildings> GB50016-2006

      <  fireprotection design of tall buildings> (2005 edition) GB50045-1995

      < Automatic sprinkler system construction and acceptancespecification> GB50261-2005

      < Automatic fire alarm system design specifications>GB50116-1998

      < Automatic fire alarm system construction acceptancespecification> GB50166-2007

      <  automaticsprinkler system design specification> (2005 edition) GB50084-2001

      < Fixed fire cannon fire extinguishing system designspecification> GB50338-2003

      < Water spray extinguishing system design specifications>GB50219-1995

      < Gas fire extinguishing system design specification> GB50370-2005

      < Gas fire extinguishing system construction and acceptancespecification> GB50263-2007

      < Carbon dioxide extinguishing system designspecification>(Partial revised in 2010) GB50193-1993

      《Foamextinguishing system design specifications》 GB50151-2010

      《Foamextinguishing system construction and acceptance specification》GB50281-2010

      《Foamextinguishing system construction and acceptance specification》GB50098-2009

      《Garage,repair garage, the code for fire protection design of the parking lot》GB50067-1997

      《Constructionproject fire acceptance specification》DB 33 1067-2010


      Service content

      To check for fire extinguishing powersupply facilities、fire automatic alarmand coordinated control system, hydrant water supply system, smokecontrol system, gas fire-extinguishing system, water sprinker fire extinguishing sytem, foem fireextinguishing system、Fire emergencylighting and evacuation instructions、Fire emergencybroadcasting and alarm device、fire communication、fire seperation、fire extinguishing elevatorand other fire facilities’ check. 


      Checking procedure

      Sales orders--- contract review---sign a contract -- Distributed detection departmentaccepted and tasks--- Issue the test report --- payment of charges---deliver reports---end of the test


      table1 basic equipment requirement of fire technique's service 

      Table 2   fire facilities of grade1 and grade2 ‘s maintanence and detection equipment

      laser range finder

      digital light


      Digital anemomete

      digital micro pressure gauge

      Digital hygrometer

      vertical tester

      Explosion-proofelectrostatic voltmeter

      ground meter

      Insulation resistancemeasuring instrument

      Smoke detectorfunction tester

      Flame detectorfunction tester

      Flame detector function tester

      Ultrasonic leak detector

      Portable combustible gas detector

      The end of the watermist test device



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